
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Medicine Shoppe

Guest post by Dan Swain, R.Ph.

Dan Swain,  R.Ph.
Dan Swain, R.Ph.

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy of Munhall, PA
2279 Main Street
Munhall, PA 15120
M-F 10:00-6:00, Sat 10:00-2:00
P:             (412) 461-9800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (412) 461-9800      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      
F: (412) 461-9819

"Good sport & always humorous Rich Walters,
appears at The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy in
Munhall, Pa. in disguise." 
'Walters show off his new book 
16 Minute Body Sculpting Kit: Attain your dream body in just 16 minutes a day
to Pharmacist, Maunee George, Pharm.D.  Both Dr. George & pharmacist/owner Dan Swain are fitness enthusiasts and offer consultations on the subject to customers"
"Pittsburgh fitness guru, Rich Walters, now devoid of the disguise, 
shown with Dr. George, who served as the male model for Walters' book
For his work, Walters presents George with a copy".
16 Minute Body Sculpting Kit: Attain your dream body in just 16 minutes a day

Note from Rich: Thank you Dan and Maunee!